We Teach Women

How To Heal Themselves

We Teach Women

How To Heal Themselves


Goddess Village is a website dedicated to teaching ALL women how to heal themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through education and the life experiences of other women.

We are real, raw, and here to help YOU reclaim your power as a woman.

About Goddess Village

We are a potent community of women here to share our knowledge about mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing with you. Our goal is to inspire and facilitate healing for women who are ready to step (back) into their power. You will find…

We are a potent community of women here to share our knowledge about mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing with you. 

Our goal is to inspire and facilitate healing for women who are ready to step (back) into their power.

You will find…

yoga practices  |  nutrition articles  |  spiritual guidance  |  guided meditations
whole foods recipes  |  mental health therapy  |  tincture and tea creations
grow-your-own food videos  |  eastern & western focused healing applications

yoga practices
nutrition articles
spiritual guidance
guided meditations
whole foods recipes
mental health therapy
tincture and tea creations
grow-your-own food videos
eastern & western focused healing applications

…and more!

It's time to prioritize SELF CARE

Join us for a FREE 24-Day mini-course that will teach you powerful self care routines to alleviate stress and cultivate a deeper understanding of Self.

andrea latoo

Get to know…

Your Incredible Guides

They are the nourishment of this Divine Feminine movement and they strive to teach from a place of encouragement, deep compassion, and love.

Seeking support is a form of self care.

I was a mother of two under two feeling I had completely lost my mind and the world was against me.  I was lost, stuck, anxious, and helplessly depressed.  I was numbing.  I was giving up.  It wasn’t until I was told I was depressed that I actually recognized I was living in my own darkness. My journey to freedom, love, and light began when I realized I wasn’t just numbing the bad but also the good in my life.  I was numbing the joys of parenthood, the joys of loving my husband, the joys of breathing. I began a list of ways to help myself and I started to go down the list.  I joined a yoga studio, I stopped numbing, I went to a counselor, I spent more time outside, and I made more time to love myself.  Through the struggles of parenthood and depression I find myself creeping back into the dark now and again.  But now I know I am strong, I am not alone, I am love, and I climb out into the light much easier, and I breathe.

Terah Steffens

Core Contributor

Online Workshops

Delve a little deeper into your curiosities…

Running Time: 20-30 minutes per day for 24 days

Running Time: 60 minutes

Running Time: 60 minutes

Running Time: 25 minutes

Discover Your Joy

Discover Your Joy

Nurture YourSELF

24-Day Empowerment Series

This 100% FREE course is brought to you by 8 different Goddess Village teachers and healers. Together they guide you through a collection of skills that will help you replace unhealthy patterns with deeply healing ones.

Become A Yoga Teacher

This 200 hr. training will teach you how to LIVE yoga, BREATHE yoga, and TEACH yoga to any level practitioner. Our 2021 format is virtual to accommodate these wild #CovidTimes.

It's time to step BACK into your power...

as a woman, mother, daughter, student, teacher, warrior, and Goddess.